Nexyad Team (Business and CEO) on front of the DREAMOTOR 1 at « Journée de la Plateforme Française de l’Automobile » or Day of French Automotive Sector – Parvis of La cité des sciences et de l’industrie, in Paris. Automotive sector and French Government to share predictions and reflexions about economy, technology, and trends. The DREAMOTOR1 V1 just arrived a few days before with its cover. AT PFA we explain functions for driver brought by NEXYAD cognitive AI for road safety. We explain how those functions are improved by technologies of partners, and we also show that this demo car is also « green », featuring new materials in the cockpit. We got very good contacts there and now the sent DREAMOTOR1 to integration in order to put technologies of partners. The car will be operational for demos from December 2021 and will integrate more and more functions until Dec 2022. #dreamotor1 #roadsafety #intelligentcar #democar #nexyad #YoGoKo #SGBsystems #FHelectronics #Nextmove #Intempora #EcoTechnilin #!important #NormandyRegion #EuropeanUnion #PFA #Paris #roadsafety #safetyscore #safetycoach #anticipativeACC #ACC #green #newmaterials #cockpit |